[Review Novel Chicklit] The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
Just a quick and brief review, ya. Lagi muales banget ngapa-ngapain ini. Huhuhu.
Nemesis (n.)
1) An opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome;
2) A person’s undoing;
3) Joshua Templeman.
Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman hate each other. Not dislike. Not begrudgingly tolerate. Hate. And they have no problem displaying their feelings through a series of ritualistic passive aggressive maneuvers as they sit across from each other, executive assistants to co-CEOs of a publishing company. Lucy can’t understand Joshua’s joyless, uptight, meticulous approach to his job. Joshua is clearly baffled by Lucy’s overly bright clothes, quirkiness, and Pollyanna attitude.
Now up for the same promotion, their battle of wills has come to a head and Lucy refuses to back down when their latest game could cost her her dream job…But the tension between Lucy and Joshua has also reached its boiling point, and Lucy is discovering that maybe she doesn’t hate Joshua. And maybe, he doesn’t hate her either. Or maybe this is just another game.
1) An opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome;
2) A person’s undoing;
3) Joshua Templeman.
Lucy Hutton and Joshua Templeman hate each other. Not dislike. Not begrudgingly tolerate. Hate. And they have no problem displaying their feelings through a series of ritualistic passive aggressive maneuvers as they sit across from each other, executive assistants to co-CEOs of a publishing company. Lucy can’t understand Joshua’s joyless, uptight, meticulous approach to his job. Joshua is clearly baffled by Lucy’s overly bright clothes, quirkiness, and Pollyanna attitude.
Now up for the same promotion, their battle of wills has come to a head and Lucy refuses to back down when their latest game could cost her her dream job…But the tension between Lucy and Joshua has also reached its boiling point, and Lucy is discovering that maybe she doesn’t hate Joshua. And maybe, he doesn’t hate her either. Or maybe this is just another game.
Namun, sebenarnya suka atau ngefans itu masih dalam tahap: sekadar mengoleksi buku-bukunya, kok. Contohnya: Miranda Kenneally (baru baca dua: Catching Jordan dan Breathe, Annie, Breathe), Sarah Dessen (baru baca satu: Someone Like You), Sarah J. Maas, Lindsey Kelk, Adi Alsaid, Adam Silvera, John Green (pernah baca satu: The Fault in Our Stars), Jill Shalvis, Paulo Coelho, dan masih banyak lagi
The Hating Game karya Sally Thorne ini jadi salah satu buku yang sudah kepingin banget saya baca sejak lama. It's all because of some of my favorite bloggers/booktubers make this book one of their most fave books of the year (around 2016/2017). Plus, novel ini juga masuk dalam daftar nominee Goodreads Choice Awards 2016. Lengkaplah buzz kenceng buat novel ini.
Maka, saya begitu gencar memburu novel ini. Terutama mencari seller yang menjualnya dengan harga miring. Baik di online bookstore atau yang menjajakannya di Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Shopee, maupun IG. Ternyata, saya malah nemunya dari sesama goodreaders, Mia, bandar @balibooks. Seneng banget bisa "nyulik" buku ini sebelum Mia meng-upload ke IG balibooks. Hahaha. Jadinya saya nggak perlu deg-degan rebutan sama yang lain. Hahaha. #curang
Selain itu, saya terus-terusan merongrong Mbak Hetih biar novel ini diterbitkan sama GPU. Dari obrolan selintas (di medsos) sih katanya rights-nya sudah dibeli dan sedang dalam proses penerjemahan. Asyiiikk. I will definitely buy the Indonesian version, no matter what.
So, review-nya: in the beginning I am really confident that it will be an easy five star reading, but after I finished it couple days ago, hmmm... I think I'll just give it a FOUR star instead. Suka, tapi enggak pakai banget.
Well, pada dasarnya saya suka. Plot-nya ngalir bener. Premis anjing-kucing di antara kedua karakternya (Lucy Hutton dan Joshua Templeman) cukup menarik, walau agak ngingetin sama Hocus Pocus-nya Karla M. Nashar yang saya benci itu. Hahaha. Saya pikir, gontok-gontokan keduanya bakal sampai tiga per empat buku, ternyata enggak. Jadinya, saya agak kecele sama judulnya yang provokatif ini, kan.
Sudah begitu, sometimes saya pun kurang terbawa sama karakter keduanya. Sally describes both of them are too damn beautiful and flawless. Yeah, ada sih diceritain Lucy begini-Josh begitu, tapi pas keduanya saling berfantasi satu sama lain kok ya keluarlah serentet pemujaan keindahan fisik dan keterampilan maha sempurna masing-masing. Standar romance banget. Dan, ada apa sih sama fantasi cewek mungil dipasangin sama cowok raksasa? Memang begitu ya fantasi cewek-cewek: maunya sama cowok tinggi besar begitu?
Sebagai pencinta metropop, The Hating Game jelas wajib dibaca. Berlatar dunia kerja, kebanyakan adegan di ruangan kantor, dan kantornya di bidang penerbitan pula, cihuy banget pokoknya, Sudah begitu, gaya nulis Sally Thorne memang oke punya buat tema office romance. Witty banter. Kadang kocak, kadang ngeselin. Tapi, ya dasarnya bahasa Inggris saya kan pas-pasan, jadinya ada beberapa guyonan yang nggak masuk di saya. Itulah kenapa saya ngebet banget novel ini diterjemahin. Biar saya tambah ngakak-ngakak pas baca nanti. Hahaha.
Yang saya suka lagi itu jelang bagian akhir. Entah itu nyebutnya twist atau sayanya aja yang salah nebak, alasan Josh ngajak Lucy ke nikahan saudara cowoknya dan masa depan karier Josh bikin saya trenyuh. Siap-siap deh kamu dibikin kebat-kebit sama ulah Josh.
Itu aja yang bisa saya bilang sekarang. Mungkin saya butuh baca untuk kali kedua atau sekalian nanti nunggu terjemahannya. Jika ada update kesan abis baca, review nggak jelas ini juga bakal saya update. Hahaha. Yang pasti: buat yang suka office romance, benci jadi cinta, you MUST READ this.
Selamat membaca!